Filey man attacked boys for trying to get conkers

He attacked the boys for trying to get conkers down from a treeHe attacked the boys for trying to get conkers down from a tree
He attacked the boys for trying to get conkers down from a tree
A man has been warned he faces jail after assaulting two teenage boys just for trying to knock conkers off a Horse chestnut tree.

Mohammed Nori, 41, went ballistic when he spotted the Filey schoolboys indulging in the age-old pastime.

York Crown Court heard that Nori had been driving past in his car when he noticed the boys trying to shake conkers off the tree.

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He stopped his car and approached the boys where he began to scream at the youngsters, said prosecutor Ben Campbell.

A holidaymaker intervened, telling Nori the boys weren’t doing anything wrong, but the enraged takeaway worker shouted and swore at the youngsters, telling them to “get away from my nana’s house”.

“The holidaymaker said (to Nori) that (the boys) were just getting conkers from the tree, but he ignored her entirely and shouted at them: ‘Do you know who I am?’,” said Mr Campbell.

Nori kicked the wheel of one of the boy’s bikes about five times while shouting at them to leave.

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“They were explaining that they didn’t think they had been doing anything wrong,” added Mr Campbell.

But this just further enraged Nori, who marched over to one of the boys and hit him on the back of the head, before grabbing his neck and squeezing it “tightly”, causing reddening and grazing.

Nori then grabbed the other boy by his coat and pushed him while screaming at him.

Bystanders and residents, including a couple with two young children, intervened and put an end to the matter.

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